Picture yourself, all your gear together, ready to get on the road at 6:00am on the morning of a pow day. When you get a text message from your friend, this dopey stoner who says he is not going to be to your house until 6:30, because he just woke up. You're pissed because outside it's dumping snow. The mountain report said there was 2 feet of fresh powder, and now you won't get first chair and those fresh lines because of your friend.
So you wait....
6:30: your friend isn't here yet.
6:35: seriously contemplating killing him some other time after this season, probably in the summer.
6:40: he finally shows up and throws his shit into your car and you're on your way.
Being 40 minutes late sucks, but if you guys are anything like me on the morning of a pow day you're pushing 55mph in a 30mph zone. Drifting around the corners, and passing people in double lines... Being honest, I do that when I'm on time too.
Hey, it's bound to happen sometime, you crash your car. Flip it, and now you're going to miss the best day of the year, and it's all because of your "friend" was actin a foo.
What is a car that you can easily flip or that you can pull out of the ditch? Pictures or it didn't happen.
tl;dr Post a picture of a car that you can easily get out of a sticky situation in snow.