Hello Everyone!
Some of you may know about a lovely little engineering competition here in Canada called the Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race. Basically, schools construct a toboggan with concrete skis and some other safety whatnot and send 'er down a hill.
What you may not know is that it is a great advertising opportunity! Consider this... 525 young, (probably drunk), definitely horny students having access to an advertisement for whatever you please... people from UBC to Dalhousie! Prices for pages in the competitor handbook are as follows:
1/8 Page: $20
1/4 Page: $35
1/2 Page: $50
Full Page: $100
Inside / Back Cover: $200
Get them before Reddit does!
This is also a great opportunity for businesses and Tinder-ers in the Ottawa area.
For more information and contacts check out: