ElbowkushPole straps a really a hit and miss. You can get the latest flexible nano-tech neoprene velcro straps or you can go for the more traditional option. Now you may ask, what is this godly traditional option you speak of? Well, to begin with I feed my younger brother a diet of chicken mcnuggers injected with a highly concentrated race horse growth hormone 12 times a day. This stimulates hair fondolicales in his skin and promotes the growth of a thick shiny coat of hair sprouting from his body. I continue this diet until a length of 6 inches is obtained with his body hair. I then Harvest this 'crop' and plat a rope made of this biological composite materiel. I then staple this rope to my sick new line poles.
My advice would be to buy some Full Tilts.
I came here to say braided pubes, but damn, Ive got nothing now.