S.J.WAs far as executive actions go I couldn't find anything about the change in definition or anything over the years, so I just let it go.
And I love how confident you are in your own argumentative skills. Your entire argument is based on taking a few rapists and painting is as an epidemic. Yeah because white europeans never raped anyone right? How come you aren't so concerned with pedophilia within the christian church which was much more wide spread than a few immigrants. But you can probably tell the difference between a practicing christian and a pedophile right???
And as far as muslim woman being oppressed goes, you're confusing culture and religion. If religion was the common denominator then muslim woman in the west would be more oppressed than the average woman. But they are not. In Indonesia and Turkey woman are 100% equal to men. But they're majority muslim nation???
Now, you're more than free to think that in the middle east Islam is the key component. But I'd much rather trust an expert on religion Reza Aslan than your opinion which you have proved time and time again is pretty much based on fox news and fear mongering of anyone who isn't white.
Again, all your arguments are predicated on false equivalences. How can you know my position onf pedophilia in the Catholic church? It's disgusting, and needs to be eliminated. You'll find no defense of the Catholic clergy here.
However, I have yet to see organized gangs of Catholic priests sexually assaulting and raping girls in public, or running sex trafficking rings that targets underage girls of non-Catholic faiths. I do not see Catholic priests preaching that women who do not cover up are "whores", or that non-Catholic women are fair-game for rape. These are Islamic problems.
"If religion was the common denominator then muslim woman in the west would be more oppressed than the average woman. But they are not. In Indonesia and Turkey woman are 100% equal to men."
Is that so? So you're willing to tell me a government run by a MB-linked Islamist, Erdogan, sees women as 100% is equal? You're willing to tell me that Indonesia, which now has various regions governed under Sharia law, permits this because they see women as 100% equal?
Reza Aslan is a disingenuous, taqiyya liar. If you consider him an expert on religion, then again, you just provide further confirmation that you suffer from a mental disorder.
"Let us be clear here: No one in their right mind would claim that Indonesia, Malaysia, and Bangladesh are a "free and open society for women." Happily, a few of them have enshrined laws that have done much to bring about some progress in equality between the sexes. But this progress is hindered or even eroded by the creeping strength of the notoriously anti-woman Sharia courts.
For example:
Indonesia has increasingly become more conservative. (Notoriously anti-women) Sharia courts that were "optional" have risen to equal status with regular courts in family matters. The conservative Aceh province even legislates criminal matters via Sharia courts, which has been said to violate fundamental human rights."
"And finally we come to Turkey, a country oft-cited by apologists due to its relative stability, liberalism, and gender equality. What they consistently choose to ignore is that historically, Turkey was militantly secular. We mean this literally: The country's founder, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, created a secular state and pushed Islam out of the public sphere (outlawing polygamy, child marriages, and giving divorce rights to women) through (at times, military) force. He even banned the headscarf in various public sectors and is believed by some to have been an atheist.
Only apologists would ignore the circumstances that led to Turkey's incredible progress and success relative to the Muslim world, and hold it up as an example of "Islamic" advancement of women's rights. In fact, child marriages (which continue to be widespread in rural Turkey), are often hidden due to the practice of "religious" marriages (Nikah) being performed without informing secular authorities. Turkey was recently forced to pass a law banning religious marriages with penalties imposed on imams for violations."
Time to start undoing the damage in your head: