Wow haven't seen any German commenting this thread...means I am the first one. I see only people from America
Can't believe how much bullshit I read in here about that topic. Half is like i said bullshit other half is offtopic.. None post didnt actually faced and explained the problems we have here in Germany. It is really hard to explain to non Germans/ Europeans and especially to the rest of the world. So I dont wanna get into it here on NS :)
If you wanna get a good overview about Cologno, read newspaper.:
These are imo the best to get a decent overview. Pretty recommended to Austrians or Switzerlandixx, who may want better informations of the current situation in Cologne. For non German speakers I can only say, just wait until everything is clear.
Why do North Americans, (YES Canada AND USA) judge our refugee policy? These two countries, who pick "their" immigrants/refugees out of milions who suffer from war, diseases or dictatorships. Who dont give ANY fucks about equal rights for every human. Better educated refugees were given the chance to stay in Canada/America. The "normal" ones should get slaghtered in Syria by brutal fucktards , because of their lower education (?). , Obv. NO! So they try to get to Europe instead. Here everybody has the same chance for a permanent stay. Doesnt matter if PhD in Stompenonics or server in an old tea house in Damaskus.
My home village (~3500 inhabitants) go now 500 refugees from whole fking Africa as well as Syria.
Get into contact with those people, before generalizing and posting garbage in the internet.
The fear of immigrants in (US) America is terrifiying. Went one time to Oklahoma, never again. Lucky just a drive though. The more I came to countryside, the more terrified, racist and nationalistic rednecky fucktards I met. Those who were immigrants themselfes 1-300 years ago, the ones who got the opportunity to re-start their whole life. Why shouldn't Syrians, Eritreans or Iraqis have this chance too? I dont even want an answer, because there is no logical non racist one!
America, land of the "free". Haha bullshit, land of sadly too many conservative racists. Hope that the whole Donald Trump thing is a joke.
Luckily tons of openminded ppl at both coasts and especially here on Newschoolers, thanks guys!
Keep in mind: Never generalize and try to get a solid overview by reading local newspaper and stuff or asking local friends etc.
P.S.: Sorry for this essay. Wasn't meant to be that long. Ohh...and this is just my opinion, always open for a fair discussion :)