so I mounted mine at the "progressive" spot they recommended...basically where the colors change on the ski. I also have the 189 and they ski way shorter than they do. Haven't had a chance to use them in deeper snow yet unfortunately.
Just curious where you all mounted yours? Im not sure I like the skis mounted at the progressive spot. I was thinking about remounting them a little bit back...but I feel like the ski was really designed to ride with the bindings mounted relatively centered over the crazy rocker.
Is progressive true center? Most of surface's skis are designed to be ridden true center, and if not, maybe a cm or two back. I have been considering picking up a pair of these and if I did, I would definitely go true center on them. Also, they're designed to feel short on the hard stuff and feel long on the deep stuff. Many of surfaces pow skis are like this because of their drastic rocker and me personally, I love it. Some people hate it and think it looks ridiculous but I think its often more functional than a slow progressive rocker found in, for example, volkls. It feels less hooky and much more predictable which makes it easier to dominate skis like it.