Peter.i mean it's really a personal thing
This. My knees back and other stuff have been shot for years but was still shredding pretty full on till 2 or 3 years ago. And good enough till just under 2 ago. I'm only 26. My body sucks, my brain is fucked, and I've slowed down, but that ssaid, not going to quit completely till everythings completely fucked or I'm 3million years old.
I'm really into turns right now though. Always was, but now I've really been focusing on that.
Idk, I get more stoked on a steep pitch with perfect cords than riding park a lot of the time. Or a good pow day in some nice terrain. Idk, I'm in the park everyday, so I still ride it, but for if I had to choose right now I'd much rather build parks than ride them.
I didn't even do an inverted trick the last year. Sure 26 might not be old, but I'm growing pathetic.
I'm already starting to live vicariously through everyone else lolz. I'm going to start sitting on my porch playing dominoes and eating supper at 3 oclock.