Hey! So the older dslr I had and was planning on using this season seems to just not work at all (Canon rebel XT) so I am back to square one and looking to buy a camera. Sorry to make one of these threads but input from people who are doing the same thing I'm looking to do is so helpful! From what I have done in the past I see this as being something I could really enjoy and get into, so I would rather spend a little bit more now to serve as an investment into the future.
1) What is your budget? How much money can you spend right away, and do you think you can get more money to invest in the future?
Right now my budget is around $800, and I would definitely be able to invest more in the future.
2) What experience do you already have with cameras? Have you ever even used one before? Have you helped your friend out with his camera? Have you owned your own?
Yes I have used one, unfortunately said camera broke. I understand decently how to shoot in manual etc.
2) What gear, if any, do you currently have? (tripod, old camera lenses, mics, etc)
I have a tripod as well as a canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6, as well as a macro lens that is currently hiding in my closet somewhere.
4) What are you planning to shoot and how do you want to use your camera? Are you going to use this with the sole purpose of shooting skiing? or do you think you might try other stuff as well (movies, documentaries, short films, etc)
99% of filming will be for skiing in the winter, and downhill riding in the summer.
5) Do you want a camera that you can hand to your friends, that could or could not have film experience, and let them shoot you? or will you be doing all the filming?
I'll be doing all the filming.
6) When filming skiing, how do you tend to shoot? (follow cams, leave it on record on a tripod and hike, film from a tripod, etc)
Just getting into filming but I would like to do a bit of it all. I figure Ill start out with just a tripod and work my way up to steadicams etc. with more experience/money.
7) What computer do you currently have/use to edit (if not currently editing, what would you most likely use)? If you can provide specifics, such as hard drive space, RAM, processor size, that would be great.
Gaming rig that I built myself, I also have an imac with final cut pro and photo shop etc.
specs: 2TB HDD, 128 GB SSD (boot drive), 8gb RAM, i5 3570k, GTX 660ti.
7) What program do you currently edit on? How familiar are you with it (1- just learning; 10- I can make tutorials and know the keyboard layout)
Final cut pro, as well as adobe cloud. I'm just learning but my sister works in film so I have pretty much everything I could need in terms of software, as well as a good teacher.
---------------------------Optional Section, for those seeking a more intensive upgrade/purchase------------------------
1) Do you think you might consider using a DSLR?
2) Do you have any knowledge about the HDSLRS?
3) Do you know the limitations to using HDSLRS?
4) Are you willing to take the time to learn about a DSLR, and how to shoot with manual lenses?
hell yes.
5) Again, do you want a camera that you can hand to your friends, that could or could not have film experience, and let them shoot you? or will you be doing all the filming?
100% me, if it isn't me it will be someone who knows their shit better than me haha.
Thanks for reading this wall of text!