What we are dealing with here: 3 edge cracks - 2 edge cracks on my right ski (I slide right foot forward), 1 edge crack on my left ski. Some chipping thats getting out of hand as well
Basically tell me what i should do in the situation that doest involve shaving off some base and putting screws in the teeth of the edge because I don't have the supplies for it. They are pretty immature and new cracks, so I'm pretty lucky I caught them when i did. Ive ridden 2 days after I noticed them. For chipping, I'll fix this myself.
I don't have a lot of experience dealing with this, so help me out. I have zero epoxy, or almost any material dealing with fixing it. I've detuned my edges twice now after 1 1/2 season on these.
Right ski with two edge cracks
Overall situation - about 2 inches in length
edge crack #1
edge crack #2
Left ski with one edge crack
Then we got some chipping going on throughout the ski, and one runs about 60cm along my ski, I just don't have the camera to take good pics as you can tell