What pro do you think has the hottest significant other?
My vote goes to Faith Lord, Jossi's wife(? I believe they're married).
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NewEscuelersI would have to imagine Gus Kenworthy pulls in a different hot babe each night
starvin_marvinA poll would have been nice for this thread op
kim_jong_illYou can't have a poll if we all have different opinions
AnGaperEnglish pls
Isis_rocksso=significant other. Are you sure I'm the problem here?
AnGaperYes I am 100% positive.
Isis_rocksAlright. Not trying to be a dick here but let me explain. In regards to my first post; the first "so" meant "significant other" while the second "so" meant "so" as in: "I am happy, so I am smiling". Therefore, my writing made perfect sense.
callmeteoNah fam should've capitalized so to SO
Huck_NorrisI feel like Jon always has a fresh 11
AnGaperYes I am 100% positive.