A Home Free Pass has been donated to Sidney at the Washington Area Humane Society on your behalf.
Sidney thanks you!
Your (not so) Secret Santa
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TheBigAppleDid you just stick someone with a cat?
_Ryan_I'm confused, did apple juice adopt a cat on your behalf?
Sno.lol, no. She put in her profile as a suggestion that her secret santa donate to the Washington Area Humane Society--so I went to their website and they have what's called a Home Free Pass...where you pick an animal at their shelter, and donate the amount of their adoption fee--so they become free for someone to adopt--greatly improving/ensuring their chances of getting a home.
I sifted through the cats and picked Sidney-- so now Sidney has a great chance of getting a home--next time someone goes in for a cat, he will have a home free pass--thanks to applejuice.
no_steezeDamn I thought you just straight up got her a cat without telling her. I would've been kinda steamed, but that's a power move.