I'm fucking stuck. I basically worked this summer/fall so that I could be set for winter. So I quit my job last month so that I could ski as much as I wanted without worrying about shit. But it's clearly not going to be a good year and I have nothing to do. I don't really have any friends so I have a lot more free time than I would like to admit.
So I could get a job but what if I get stuck working during the only good days of the year?
But at the same time I don't want to do nothing and just wait for snow. I have a lot of trips planned(totally about 4 weeks) so I don't know if I could find a job flexible enough for that.
I guess that's what it comes down to, flexibility. I have college and skiing and other obligations. So I don't know. Would it be a bad idea to get a job? I have just enough money to make it through this winter with rent, food, gas, but really nothing else. But I don't wanna miss out on skiing. Fuck. Help me NS.