so some dumbass broke there key off in my gate parking lot and i had to hop the 7 foot fence. i wasnt able to just go up and over cuz of my coat in the back would get caught. i sat on the top and jumped down yet when i hit it was icy and nasty and i slipped.
i can put pressure on my foot i just cant bend or move my big toe. is this broken or just tore ligaments? i cant roll over on the ball of my feet because of the immobility. but i can use my hand and push on the bone and it doesnt hurt
Some people talk it, some people live it, some people walk it-some people give it... deal with it.
D-Loc AKA Shaky Bones... Original, Unique, and One of a Kind.
land of the free???@#! haha right... free to the power of the people in uniform
skiin', smokin', snackin', sexin', sleepin'... all anyone needs in life