Rick mercer is the shit...he needs to be on all newscasts with his opion on the days events!
the canadian military gets the royal shaft. im surprised people still want to join it.
What i dont get is why the governemtn of canada sends around 430 million dollar to tsunmai relief when they could take a fraction of that and help people in our own country who need it or give some to the militray.
Fucking tsunami is a political thing, 'who can give the most' which is really sad because im betting there is a lot of wasted money going on right now over their because they have so much money coming in.
Another thing thats pissing me off is Ontario has 250 doctors/medical staff signed up to go over and help out.
WTF ONTARIO! we as a province are already massively short on doctors and medical staff, but hey, lets send 250 of the to the distaster area. another sign that this whole issue is all about who is going to look good to the world by sending the most.
A view on the downfall of the US by 221: 'godzilla man. he's gonna show up and shit will hit the fan.'
ellermann -> i hope you realize you just threw yourselves a birthday party online. just think about that for a little while
Ryan V.G
~~Phunkin Phatt Phreerider~~
Dragons Lair