ABskierIf you want a low paying job,to be constantly be working your ass off, and can't make mistakes, then go for it. At least you will get staff discounts.
He's dead right, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't. Shop jobs are hella fun usually and its rad to shoot shit about bikes and skis all day with people who are there to have fun. Remember, its a glorified toy store and nothing that happens there is worth one drop of sweat on your neck and you'll be fine.
I took a few year break from my career to chill and work at shop again (worked at a bunch when i was younger) and it was great. I make more money now, by alot, but I still buy the same shit I would have gotten for free or cost, so its not much different. do it, like onenerdkid said, if you really like it you'll meet reps who will put you in touch with companies later down the road if you do good work and are passionate about the business side of the sport. Cheers