Replying to Film/Edit: Why We Do It/What to Improve - EVERYONE Answer
Cliff Notes: Read the bold/underlined text.
I haven't been very active in posting on here but I check the media & arts forum almost daily, reading and learning from everyone else's posts. I want to be more active on here from now on and I hope this is a good starting point.
I think all of us Newschoolers members here in this forum more or less have the same goals/intentions. It's a common theme in our ski community to film our friends and ourselves progressing on skis and editing our videos to make them entertaining and watchable enough for everyone else to enjoy. I, along with everyone else that is active in this forum wants to learn to film and edit videos at a higher level, whether it is through asking questions, answering questions, reading others' critiques (as harsh as some may be), or watching everyone else's edits.
I believe all of us have the same goal in creating and sharing an edit, to grab the attention of as many people as possible. Yes of course, it is rewarding and fulfilling on your own to watch your finished product, but you probably want to share it with people and gain a little bit of recognition. That’s the goal for me at least, to share with others, and have them enjoy it or be inspired by it.
I've got two questions for everyone on here:
1. What is your motivation/goal for creating video edits?
Ex: recognition, inspire others, self-reward (maybe you don't care to share your videos with anyone), impressing the girl, .....
2. What do you want to improve in your filming/editing most right now?
Ex: learning/using correct settings when filming, editing transitions, planning out shots for the video before going out, titles/animations during editing, .....the more specific the better for everyone!
I figure answering these questions is good for two reasons. It will give everyone a quick chance to reflect on what they actually want from their videos and it'll show what people of all skill levels are working to improve upon.
I would love to hear feedback from people of all skill levels from amateurs to professionals here on NS!
I am curious to hear what everyone’s responses are and hope many of you are interested in this thread too.
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