A few days back I was at the local ski shop doing the do's and looking through overpriced gear. I then came across the infamous goggle wall, where the reflection is real. I came upon the dreaded pricing of the Oakley gear (highschool student = poor) and paused for a few secconds. Right there infront of me was the Jp memorial Oakley goggle and It just hit me. Its been jus over a year since the tragic death of Jp and his partner (Can't recall the name at this moment) and I got the feels. Then thinking how even though he has been gone for some time he stays with us every day. This may sound crazy, I never knew him personally, I've never seen him face to face, but it just put a downer that one of my all time ski hero's oakley memorial goggles were in my hand.
Let me know if you've had this feeling before...
We love you Jp