Replying to Obama's response to the current ISIS situation
I tend not to come to the non-ski gabber forums too often on NS, but I am interested in where some of you stand on the topic. After the attacks in Paris, France officially declared war on ISIS. The United States has received countless threats with a promise to terrorize innocent civilians and take lives within our own borders. President Obama's G20 summit speech after meeting with Russia can be simply summarized by two things he said: our strategy against ISIS will remain the same and there are evils in these places, it is a reality in which the world we live. President Obama has accepted the evils of ISIS as a reality that instead of challenging and minimizing we are accepting as an inherent part of our world? Evil will always exist, but the mindless killing and terrorism being conducted by ISIS can be stopped. The threat to our nation is very real, ISIS does not have a code of ethics or morals that keep them in check, they do not abide by the laws of war. Something needs to be done to combat these inconceivably sick human beings. Additionally, Obama is criticizing the Governors who are not accepting Syrian refugees as a way of protecting the citizens of their states. Obama says this in regards to the refugee situation: "slamming the door to Syrian refugees would be a betrayal of our values". The people of Syria that do not support ISIS are under very unfortunate circumstances, but, unfortunately, the safety of American citizens comes first in my opinion. It is not the duty of the United States to make sure the world is fair. President Obama went on to say that we are shutting our doors to three-year-old orphans and poor helpless women, and while this is true, the majority of refugees are young men who also happen to be the identical demographic to the people who run and support ISIS. There is no way for Americans to screen these refugees to 100% ensure our safety and there's. Even if we were to take Obama's emphatic rhetoric and pretend refugees were just poor children and women, we must all understand that ISIS has no boundaries, these people have the ability to manipulate the weak and could easily have a child or women cause terror. I am not saying that Syrians are bad people, as a matter of fact, I would say the strong majority are good, innocent people trapped in a very bad place. The United States number one priority should be the safety of our own citizens, which means taking ISIS's threats seriously and taking action against them, especially after they have attacked one of our strongest allies. We must also find a way to shut down the mass storm of social media that ISIS has used to recruit Americans, and any "American" found to be cooperating with ISIS should be held accountable to the highest legal standard. The United States needs to stand up for itself one more time, while ISIS may claim this is a war of religion and they identify with a religious group, it is much more than that; ISIS is not fighting for a legitimate reason, they are fighting to cause terror, kill mindlessly. These are not people to bargained with, these are people who do not deserve to walk this earth freely. I sincerely hope that the United States government sees the legitimacy of this issue as an encroachment upon the rights of our citizens. At no point should a US citizen feel endangered by a terrorist organization because of threats or the possibility that they could have mass executions at any time in our country. President Obama needs to do something, not once we are attacked, because it will inevitably happen if we sit back and take their threats so lightly. Obama claimed that ISIS was JV, but if the attacks in Paris have done anything for ISIS, it has certainly convinced a lot of the world that they are willing to wage war. This is a group of people who are not afraid to die in an effort to bring down western philosophies. I beg of our government to take action before people lose friends or family in our country. I do not want to wait until we are physically terrorized and my future children end up asking me about the Christmas attacks of 2015 or whatever ISIS has planned. Would love to hear others thoughts on the topic.
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