This is bullshit. Fucking people and lawsuits. If they stop snowmaking there it could close down all of the resort.
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treebeard"Merinar said Gabriel Hudock, as a season ski-pass holder since 2007, was aware Neals Run closed in winter before he and his wife purchased property and built their second home in 2008."
Fucking entitled assholes. You knew what you were getting into. There's no way this will hold up in court
MinggBut it's hilarious because they're suing and when you sue you can't like come into contact with whatever/whoever. So they have about 10 feet of backyard before they come onto the hill's property so they're pretty secluded. They also will not be able to ski there until the lawsuit is settled(they're season pass holders). So they're basically fucking themselves over. It's awesome haha.
DeebieSkeebieswaaaaahhh theyre making it difficult for us to build a multi million dollar 2nd home in prime real estate locations! So instead of dealing with matters like adults, we'll just act like the coddled entitled baby children we were raised to be and try to close a businesses doors that many people derive benefit and fun from. Take that, jerks! You messed with the wrong family!
THEDIRTYBUBBLEWhat pieces of shit. If this were to go through, then I wouldn't be surprised if some pissed off riders decided to build a nice little roadblock.
Swandog7Wtf. These people are causing millions of dollars in taxes and cause lots of inconvenience for 13,000 people so those 2 people can get to their house faster? What in the fuck.
elcornholioLet's fucking do it.
californiagrownWhy is seven springs not allowing an access easement through a small section of their land? Currently seven springs is shutting down an entire public road- seems fair they would allow for an access easement...
There is probly a whole bunch of politicking going on right now from both sides.
californiagrownWhy is seven springs not allowing an access easement through a small section of their land? Currently seven springs is shutting down an entire public road- seems fair they would allow for an access easement...
There is probly a whole bunch of politicking going on right now from both sides.
elcornholioLet's fucking do it.
THEDIRTYBUBBLEBecause the road runs through the entire backside of the mountain. If they were to win this lawsuit, then more than half of seven springs' terrain is now inaccessible. These people just want to get some cash out of seven springs.
T-PencyThere's two existing routs to the house, but its the same road all the way through (neals run road).
the section that is closed during the winter is an easier way in, but obviously closed due to the snow.. and the other side is a huge steep hill.
That steep hill is the only other way in to the property without having to cross the ski slopes, and seven springs would have to sacrifice future expansions if a road was cut across those slopes..
californiagrownyou both are totally missing it. Neals Road is just a bargaining chip.
the other road that the home owners and developers were hoping for is the real issue. Who did they buy the other properties from, and what were they told when they bought them? What are the reasons why the seven Springs utility district and seven springs will not allow for an access easement on a small portion of their land? What were the reasons the negotiations fell apart? etc...
there seems to be a lot more to this story, and coming from the developers POV it seems like Seven springs is entirely unwilling to negotiate because they feel they have all the power and will wield it to get their way... even if it technically isnt legal.
Id just like to hear the otherside as i have experience with this kind of thing and PR is used to unfairly shift blame and public sentiment.
T-PencyIts the road that the home owners want cut that is the problem, that's what im getting at..
The only direction they can go is from the top of seven springs, past gunnar chair. They don't want a road running down lost girl because it would mean they could no longer plan on expanding to the western territory.
One of the biggest issues in this whole case is the fact that the property the house was built (along with a few more on the same road) actually slipped right through seven springs fingers when it came up for sale in the first place..
Seven springs was playing the waiting game for years trying to buy up that land, as well as white mountain..
The only other factor was the state forest, and they were trying to reach an agreement with them over the lease on the rest of the land.
californiagrownSounds like seven springs is attempting to devalue the land so they can buy it cheap.
Idk what options the developer and the resort have gone through, but something smells a bit fishy here...
THEDIRTYBUBBLEWhat pieces of shit. If this were to go through, then I wouldn't be surprised if some pissed off riders decided to build a nice little roadblock.
elcornholioLet's fucking do it.
Shoey-SkiI'm down
THEDIRTYBUBBLEI'd rather not get arrested
THEDIRTYBUBBLEOkay I was recently told some information.
As usual, 7 Springs is in the wrong.
The story: So there are a few houses back there. The old owner of seven springs had an agreement with both those people and the county. He would plow the secondary road to their houses in the winter time, and seven springs could use the county road for skiing. New owner of 7 springs comes along. He didn't want to plow the roads due to some bad blood between him and the Hudocks, so he didn't. But he failed to realize that he can't open the backside of the mountain, unless he plows the secondary road.
veng_mOh shit, what if they can't make snow when it gets cold until this is resolved? Will this be a problem?
THEDIRTYBUBBLEThey could still make snow on the frontside of the mountain.
veng_mDo you think they won't make snow on the North Face?
THEDIRTYBUBBLEOkay I was recently told some information.
As usual, 7 Springs is in the wrong.
The story: So there are a few houses back there. The old owner of seven springs had an agreement with both those people and the county. He would plow the secondary road to their houses in the winter time, and seven springs could use the county road for skiing. New owner of 7 springs comes along. He didn't want to plow the roads due to some bad blood between him and the Hudocks, so he didn't. But he failed to realize that he can't open the backside of the mountain, unless he plows the secondary road.
THEDIRTYBUBBLEOkay I was recently told some information.
As usual, 7 Springs is in the wrong.
The story: So there are a few houses back there. The old owner of seven springs had an agreement with both those people and the county. He would plow the secondary road to their houses in the winter time, and seven springs could use the county road for skiing. New owner of 7 springs comes along. He didn't want to plow the roads due to some bad blood between him and the Hudocks, so he didn't. But he failed to realize that he can't open the backside of the mountain, unless he plows the secondary road.
AlsoKnownAsRich entitled assholes gonna asshole.
Seriously what the fuck is this shit. They new the situation, they built their home knowing that, they even had season passes to the fucking mountain, and now 8 years later they're suing?
Sound like they just want more $$$. I hope 7 springs beats them without settling.
Somebody should throw a snow gun at their car and just roast it. Put their car in a 20x 20 block of ice.
Maybe open a window in their house and do the same
californiagrownread the above. There is always more to a situation when something seems this outrageously one-sided.
Id bet there is even more to it than that...
Literature"280 skiable acres"
I nearly fell out of my chair.
Literature"280 skiable acres"
I nearly fell out of my chair.