Replying to So Some Guy Might Have Just Broke Into My House
I'm just upstairs in my room and I here noises on the steps, and I'm thinking who the fuck is that. So I go out and there's this dude with a small fedex package and something else standing in the stairwell. I live on the 3rd floor and the house was completely dark. No porch lights, no kitchen light, no lamps on nothing on the stairs etc.
So I had grabbed some stuff from my car a little bit earlier. It's possible that though the door was fully closed it wasn't latched to the point where it locked.
So depending on which way he came in (If he came in through the basement or front door he def would have had to break in) he would have had to walk through a varying amount of darkness.
If he came in the kitchen door, only legitimate means of entry without straight breaking in, and that's IF the door didn't lock when it closed, but it was definitely closed, he would have walked up dark steps on a porch with no lights, walked into a completely dark kitchen, around some corners completely dark and fully across the house to the stairs. It's a pretty big house. Then walk up the stairs in total darkness to the 3rd floor where I found him.
He said he was looking for the quilt shop when I asked him what the hell he was doing there. In his defense there is a quilt shop right near by on the other side of the street.
That said, the house has signs out front that it's up for sale(because it is) and was completely dark. He had a fedex package, which is always good for the "Oh I needed a signature to drop this box off and the door was "Open" and I thought I heard somebody right inside"
But yeah, so could be totally legit but seemed pretty sketchy. Luckily the house is almost totally empty at the moment so he couldnt have really stolen shit other than my little caesars pizza from the fridge . There a kitchen table with chairs, a fridge, and a small couch and small tv downstairs.
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