I was at wakefest at Calabogie peaks Saturday and Sunday and there was a ton of people there, guys outnumbering girls, but the girls that were there, were awesome.
Anyways, me and a couple of my friends are watching this bikini contest when this amazing chick walks over, i mean she is beutiful, probably one of the best lookin girls i've ever seen in my life. Anyways she walks behind me and stands on this picnic table then she asks if she can hold on to my shoulders cause the picnic table was a little bit tipsy. Anyways she starts givin me a massage kinda, and im like fuck this is awesome. So then i stand up on the picnic table next to her pretty close, she definitely knew that i wanted her. And we kept on givin each other friendly bumps and helpin each other when were nearly falling over. Anyways, the bikini contest ends and she just leaves, im like, 'hey, do you wanna do anything tonight?' she answers 'no, i gotta work' then she just walks off with her friend. I'm killin myself now, so i go over to talk with her. I tell her that I have a tent set up where the party is later and she pretty much ignores me. All she says is 'cool', 'thanks' but she isn't even lookin at me when she says this.
I didn't do anything disgusting or anything i was just her toy i guess, whats up with that ladies?
if i gave a shit, you would smell it.