Vanithats the thing, while skiing towards the kicker, im pretty sure that im gonna do a 540. i keep telling myself aswell. so im actually comitted to it, its just after the 360, i legs wont do shit :/
i think my 180s are alright, i also thought that thats the problem, so i practiced them today on small and medium kickers. i landed them all, but im just not feeling too comfortable landing backwards. im not scared of falling (I'm used to that now haha) but not being able to see where im gonna land, because its backwards, is a little weird..
There ya go chica, gotta work on that switch. How is your switch skiing? You should be able to ski backwards down pretty much any run, I had the same issue with landing backwards, you just have to get comfortable with being in that position. Start practicing your switch skiing and get to the point where you can bomb blues and you should be fine.
When skiing backwards you are going to use an entirely different technique. You must open your hips to allow yourself to see where you are going and learn to initiate your turns.
take it slow and easy at first, maybe start out on flat ground and just practice the technique
look over your right shoulder and slide your right hip back and left hip forward (uphill) allowing your right ski to track out in front of the left. This will initiate a turn to skiers right(lookers left/your left shoulder)
now shift your hips the opposite way, left hip back right hip forward (uphill) initiating a turn to skiers left(lookers right/towards your right shoulder)
Now just put it together, and you've got it!
Usually the trouble comes during the transition of turns, for a split second you will be skiing blind, this however is just a mental block, (people like to see where there going, go figure) Start out on an uncrowded beginners run and go for it, you won't have to worry about running into random obstacles or picking up to much speed while your not comfortable in your technique. try to keep it smooth and glide through these turns
I can tell you skiing switch is one of the most enjoyable things in skiing and it will open up a whole new world for you! have fun!