Replying to The ideal ski bum life
Heads up the first paragraph is all hipster and deep so skip if you want.
We live in a new world so I was hoping for some new input. Do you ever get like really deep thoughts or in a deep mood for like months at the end of the summer I was watching Bojack horseman till 5 every morning at it got me thinking about life and shit anyway I started thinking about where life is going. Like sometimes i hear my friends talk how they are going to grow up and be such great photographers and they really want to move and im just like shut the fuck up no one cares you can set goals but have a plan because guess how many photographers there are and how hard it is to make a career good luck living in new york at 18 on the other side of the country than any of your friends with no money or college degree.
So what do you think the ideal ski bum life is I was thinking about getting a first car and going for something old and fixing it up like an old Mercedes or Volkswagen van or bus type thing my friend is getting an 89 bmw and the other is all most fixing up a Studebaker lark But I was thinking I kinda wish my life was just a little more like that 70s show where we have a tight group of friends in a small town and no body cared you could do anything you wanted but after high school I was going to take a year off with my friend lukas and just live in his van and go resort to resort like TC and rob huel and just be ski bums so any advice on how to be a good ski bum like Pary and the traveling circus Crew? What car what resort what to do what to buy what to save when to start and end? ect.
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