Who wants to throw down for a fleet of cloud seeding planes and some planet-cooling devices so we can make this shit happen?
Also, here's to a season that's better than the last one.
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L_Bif we can set off rainier we can cool the globe into a mini ice age.
cobra_commanderRowen should delete this and ban all of you.
Basically, if you haven't skied it, you don't talk about it.
BamjamAnybody ever taken a rail up to the pass and just seshed pre-season? Couple friends and I really wanna do it but idk where we would go without trespassing.
CaseyPeople used to just drag stuff out of the pile at the base, idk if that would still fly.
p-foThe jam today was interesting. Should be renamed to dirtqualmie tho...
SklarYou went? I was thinking about it, I want to shoot, but not at compton haha
Alex_MorenoAnybody know how the park is shaping up so far?
BamjamAnyone been up this week? Alpental sesh tomorrow if the pass is open, couldn't get through today which is =( but also =D
freeskier44Hey guys. Long time skiier of White Pass due to growing up in Yakima. After going to CWU for the last few years, realizing Snowqualmie is a much quicker drive and easier to make it up there for half days during the school week. How is it up there? Never skiied a day at Snowqualmie and seeing how it compares to White before I drop the $400 on the season pass.
freeskier44Hey guys. Long time skiier of White Pass due to growing up in Yakima. After going to CWU for the last few years, realizing Snowqualmie is a much quicker drive and easier to make it up there for half days during the school week. How is it up there? Never skiied a day at Snowqualmie and seeing how it compares to White before I drop the $400 on the season pass.
BamjamSnoqualmie is ill. Got three mountains to play on if you get the LTD pass, summit east, west, and central. If you get the unlimited you can hit Alpental as well which is higher elevation and generally better for more advanced all mountain shit. Also has a backcountry. I thing you can hit Alpental on weekdays with the LTD pass actually, but I'm not sure. Central's got the park which is dope when we have the snow to really build it. East (Hyak) is great for hot laps and smaller crowds and usually has good snow. West is pretty much good for nothing lol.
SchwagsWest is good for hitting on latino chicks then getting beaten up in the parking lot.
SchwagsWest is good for hitting on latino chicks then getting beaten up in the parking lot.
SchwagsWest is good for hitting on latino chicks then getting beaten up in the parking lot.
californiagrownFolks from Line were at alpy today. Turns out, Leo Talliefer is scary good at skiing.
Kinda funny, i saw their crew just ripping down the fan and one dude was just going huge of anything and everything while making giant GS turns accross the mogul field. then i saw him on top of a 40 footer, and he started "cawing" like a crow, at which point someone called him leo and i put two and two together. Dude is on another level.
byuboundJust so he posted a clip on facebook from yesterday. Might go up tomorrow to check it out
byuboundYo the line spring break thing today was actually lame, basically everybody had stopped skiing by 1 when we got up there and they packed up and left at 2:30. Some friends of mine said they stopped at the line tent earlier too and said that it was awkwardly quiet so they left. Boys cant handle the qualmie death cloud
californiagrownShould have been there Sunday. 60 degree sunny skies, soft slushy snow and low key chair 2 hotlaps from Dylan diggers, Leo taillefer, and Andrew whiteford... Attitude was low key, skiing certainly was not. I guess central was rad too.
Sucks the vibe was shitty today. Was it pretty crowded?
SklarNope. I chilled in the tent til 1 and took some mellow laps. The park was about as sticky as I've ever seen it in the morning. Bummer the weather didn't cooperate.