This is one of the most annoying things about our sport, the constant whinging that any new high level comp trick "ruins skiing" and it is now indistinguishable from aerials.
Firstly, I have nothing against people who prefer to watch "style oriented" edits, (LSM, Hood Crew, MoleSquad, ect, I actually enjoy them a lot) but the ones who claim it as the holy grail of skiing progression are idiots. Yes they are creative, yes they are awesome to watch, but they aren't progressive to the sport as a whole. They are progressive to the sport in a partial segment, and comparing it directly to other areas of skiing is illogical and retarded. You wouldn't compare the tricks thrown down on big mountain to tricks in the park. So why compare tricks thrown down in the park, to tricks thrown down on massive custom built features? They are different terrains and styles of skiing. People always say that skiing is a way for people to express creativity, so you shouldn't judge people for doing just that, regardless of if you like it or not.
For 99% of the people that say all this stuff, I would bet my skis on it, that they won't ever get near the level of either the top comp jocks, or the affronted "style skiers", THE PEOPLE WHO ARE ACTUALLY PROGRESSING AND MAKING THE SPORT WHAT IT IS. A bunch of keyboard warriors on NS who are nobodies in the skiing world are making these claims that "skiing's dead" when new big tricks are thrown down, yet are excited when they learn a new trick like a backflip or whatever, (i.e. progressing their own skiing.) Have you ever stopped to think that a high level pro would also like to continue progressing themselves? Skiing is their passion, not just a hobby like it is for some people on NS, and it's that drive that lead them to be pro in the first place. They are just pushing themselves, and achieving their own personal goals, it just so happens that because these people are at the top of the game, that their progression IS the progression of sport. If these keyboard warriors had their way, the X-Games would consist of people doing cork 5's every hit because "it's more stylish than a double/triple."
Like seriously, stop hating on an aspect of skiing you obviously have no interest in, so let the people who are interested in it enjoy it.
Let people do triple after triple, if that's what they want to do.
Let people do lip on blind 2 all day, if that's what they want to do.
Let people do afterbangs after every trick, if that's what they want to do.
Let people just land their tricks with no consideration of "style," if that's what they want to do.
Just because it isn't your preference, doesn't mean it isn't progressive.