funtimesYeah, I heard this rumor too. That'd be rad if they put a lift there. I also heard they were toying with the idea of putting another lift above Gad 2 or making gad 2 longer...I don't think I'd be a fan of that though. I'd like how tiger tail is way less skied than regular runs.
Still hoping for a big new park haha
Would be rad as fuck, honestly. Just worried about them building up something awesome then having to tear it down because some dipshit goomba got hurt and sued the place. I remember hearing thats why they toned their stuff down in recent years, but honestly the park last year was easily one of the most sketchy things ive ever seen. Those jumps were basically lips sending you right into mounds of snow. A well manicured park would probably save their asses if anything.
Park booters + Deep pow and rad terrain would be a wet dream, though. It would easily make snowbird the most complete ski resort in Utah.