Replying to Selfish...
It was a day like no other,
The sun scorching and blistering the bald patch on my head... It was indeed spring time in the southern hemisphere!
After seeing the premier of the Bunch movie "Finito" with my grandma the night before, It seemed like a good idea to start stepping up my game to compete with skiings new talents
The hand drag on the rail, simple yet effective...
So I go to do a handrag on the rail and unbeknownst to me LSM comes out of nowhere and does the rail whilst im on it. I knew immediately that he would do his signature trick, the kfed, and saw the scissored skis sliding towards my hand which consequently sliced my hand clean off
Now just to make a point, he was the one that inspired me to commit to the trick and now takes my hand clean off with this stupid antics
I think its selfish that LSM thinks its a good idea to put all our hands at jeoppardy just so he can be "cool" and unique in the skiing game, when really all of his tricks are just flat out dangerous...
furthermore andy parry stole my hand after it had been sliced off and thought it would be funny to put it in his sleeve to imitate he's own hand for the new travelling circus episode... I was not in the slightest bit impressed, and I am forever rendered handless which means I am now disadvantaged when i go to write "first" on popular newschoolers content
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