27.5 Fulltilts, 9/10 still very fresh boots and liners, not been molded - 200
Line Eric Pollard poles, 8/10 some slight scratches (grab tabs included) - 40
Salamon WTR 13s, 9/10 only costmetic damage, lightly used - 100
Line Afterbangs 171, 6/10 have been riveted in the tips and tails and slight delam on the tip, will get more pictures if interested - 100
2XL Jiberish Cruise hoodie 8/10 been taken care of not really used much - 40
XL line hoodie - 8/10 still in good shape and fits good! - 20
will be glad to get more pictures for interested peeps! looking to get rid of this stuff by the end of the week so holler at me!