Replying to My proposal to save NSG.
As we all can agree Non-Ski gabber has fizzled into a boring forum. I've only been a member for a relatively short period of time and after reading back on old threads that were well before my NS days I suggest to you Bishop and all the other mods that:
1. To prevent NSG from turning into my Facebook newsfeed we implement a BAN on any news articles and shitty links that show us what some fucking cat did or who did a few backflips on a bike.
In a few words: Moderate shit posting that involves links.
2. Loosen the moderation of shit on the forum so that it promotes the creation of legendary posts that may seem at times a little inappropriate and worthy of moderation.
In a few words: Let us post stupid shit without it getting deleted.
3. The more extreme of my ideas. When you log into newschoolers or enter the site automatically direct the traffic to NSG. Therefore forcing people to view this thread and possibly create more posts.
In a few words: force the world to see NSG.
I would love to hear more suggestions on how we can, as a community, develop into a more betterer place.
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