TheDoughAbidesAre you fucking kidding dude? You really think the assholes at the helm of the healthcare industry really give a fuck about the quality of your care or the amount of money you have left over after said care has been administered? To them, you and I just more sucker that will unknowingly (or at least unwillingly) help pay for their second ski-in/ski-out. I will never understand why conservatives contort themselves into bootlicking puppets under a few anarcho-capitalistic sociopaths.
**This post was edited on Oct 4th 2017 at 3:50:38pm
Make it their 4th or 5th ski in -ski out. The whole idea that deregulatory policy changes will help anyone other than the top .01% is ludicrous. These guys are just cashing in on Citizens United and getting every regulation slashed that they can. For anyone who doesn't know, Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission was a supreme court case that basically allowed corporate interests unlimited power to donate money to political causes under the guise of "free speech." From wikipedia: "The United States Supreme Court held (5–4) on January 21, 2010 that freedom of speech prohibits the government from restricting independent political expenditures by nonprofit corporations, for-profit corporations, labor unions, and other associations." Basically that now means people like the Koch Brothers (or anyone on the other side of the aisle) can donate as much money as possible to any political causes they wish. How they've been doing it is setting up tax free "philanthropic non-profits" that specialize in "education" or "political theory." They then donate to the non-profits that they control, paying no taxes on them, and use the funds to pay for lobbyists, "grass roots" political movements (think tea-party), and running think tanks that push a far right, pro-fossil fuel agenda.
I've read a lot about the subject but the thing is bartending in Jackson Hole I deal with these people every day. They come in from their multi-million dollar homes on the golf courses (usually one of several vacation/golf homes across the country, not including wherever they actually live), and get hammered and harass the cute waitresses and say blatantly racist ignorant shit all while bragging how much money they just donated to the Koch's network and how they saw him speak at the last "American's for Prosperity" conference that costs 2 million to attend. Of course espousing christian values and pro-life sound bites all while actively trying to fuck a chick who's 40-50 years younger than them. And they're all married!! Many of them often tip 6-8% when industry standard is 20, because, I already get paid, right? Why should they give me extra. We get paid 4 dollars an hour and tips make up the rest, but they have no fucking clue how the world works because they've lived their entire lives in board rooms and on golf courses and yacht clubs.
They are so far out of touch with the needs, realities and challenges of real American life. They love to push the self made man story, but most of them fucking inherited it! And don't pay any taxes on any of that money when it earns millions+ a year. Sure, some successful business men started in bad families and grind it all the way to the top, but unless you're a CEO you are not even in the ball park of what I'm talking about. People rail against the 1%, but thats only 250,000 a year. Honestly that's not a lot of money in modern day America if you think about putting several kids through college and owning a house big enough for a large family to live in.
If you think any of the people funding the far right these days give a FUCK about anyone who makes less than 500,000 a year you are completely delusional. They literally refer to you as the non-sophisticate and talk about how they need your support to pass their deregulatory agenda in order to save themselves more money, find more tax loopholes, and donate to tax deductible "philanthropic non-profits" that LITERALLY only fund their own lobbyists in Washington. If you're not like them then your lazy and its your own fault. Don't have healthcare? it's your fault and your lazy, regardless of the fact that employer offered care that is still expensive often will not cover anything you actually need.
Any conservative on this website, I challenge you to actually see what your party has become. You are being lied to and led to the slaughter. You are voting in direct conflict with your own interests. Yes, lower taxes and fewer regulations on small businesses could certainly help stimulate the economy, and yes we do want a dynamic free market to stimulate growth. However, the billionaires club at the top which has all of the political influence does not support a free market. They support themselves. They want every regulation that says they cannot do something destroyed. Most of those regulations (anti-trust, environmental, etc.) are to preserve the free market and prevent them from pillaging our public lands and polluting our rivers. It is support for corporate anarchy. Any rule against a corporation is a violation of their speech, it is an infringement of their rights, it is socialism and as such it should be destroyed. What a fucking joke, what about the rights of the employees you've poisoned in your mines, the towns whose children all have cancer because of your chemical factories, or the millions of livelihoods ruined by your financial crisis.
AMERICA WILL NOT BE FREE UNTIL CITIZEN'S UNITED IS REVERSED. Everyone who voted for Trump is voting for their own enslavement to the corporate oligarchs, and please enjoy Neil Gorsuch because he sure as shit will not be reversing the whole corporate money is free speech thing. Welcome to 21st century America you fucking serfs.