milk_manWhat were his actions during his presidency that brought out this much hate? Policy or otherwise
Hmmmm, you must not have been paying very close attention, but I'll give you a very BRIEF sparknotes version of a few things that have been going on.
First off, his inauguration speech was the most fascist, fearmongering, bullshit I've ever heard come out of the mouth of an American politician. He immediately proceeded lying/bragging about how he had the biggest crowd ever in history. While relatively unimportant, its just creepy to be that obsessed with yourself, and it really just proves he only ran because he thought it would be a cool popularity contest. His first speech as President was at the CIA, and rather than thank them for their service or talk substantive policy or discuss the challenges facing the world, he proceeded to give the most nonsensical, hard to listen to, impossible to understand, jumble of a speech in which he rants and raves about himself, how great he's going to be, and how big his inauguration crowd was. Listen to any of his speeches, TV interviews, or public appearances, and you will find a very confusing series of non-sequitors and word-salads. He rants and raves, throws out a few bullshit buzzwords, and dodges every question.
Now let's get to his appointees. A huge part of his campaign was running as the Washington Outsider. DC is corrupt, and slick Donnie knows how corrupt it is because he's buddies with all the rich people that make it corrupt. His basic campaign premise was "who better than me, the Donald, who's been rubbing elbows with the richest and most corrupt people in the country, to clean it up because I know who's doing it and how they're doing it because I've been involved with them." Remember the whole "drain the swamp" thing where he promised clean up DC? He claimed he was going to get rid of lobbyists and industry insiders, but he promptly appointed more and more to every position. Let's hone in on two appointees. Scott Pruit to Head of the EPA and Betsy Devos to Secretary of Education. Scott Pruit has spent his life as a industry operative for Fossil FUel companies. His entire career has been spent trying to sue the EPA into extinction at the behest of the corporate interests that benefit from lax environmental regulation (Coal, gas, oil, logging, chemical manufacturing, Monsanto, etc.). Now he has his chance and he is actively gutting the EPA, dismantling the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts (started by NIXON because of the terrible pollution in the country during the 70s), and replacing the Scientific Review Board (some of the nations best scientists were responsible for reviewing the effects/outcomes of certain policies) with fossil fuel industry insiders who are happy and willing (not to mention PAID) to slash regulations for oil and gas.
Betsy DeVos: A political appointee with ABSOLUTELY NO EXPERIENCE IN ANY SORT OF EDUCATIONAL OR ADMINISTRATIVE ROLE. She is the daughter of Richard DeVos, the 60th richest man in the US who has given billions of dollars to the republican party and the Koch donor network. He has also been investigated by federal governing bodies such as the SEC and the FTC for tax evasion and pyramid schemes. They are an extremely conservative family that basically believes if you weren't born with money like theirs, and you haven't been able to earn it on your own (which is totally achievable for most of America) then your an ungodly piece of shit and you don't deserve any help from the government, including public education. She has set to work slashing funding for public schools in favor of religious charter schools, and making it harder to get student loans and taking away student protections form collection costs and generally destroying whatever regulations stand in the way of debt collectors. She's an ultra-conservative ultra-religious evangelical Christian-right warrior who has done nothing in her life besides being born rich, and believes the federal government should be some sort of anarcho-libertarian theocracy.
Clearly, I could go on, but those are just a few issues that really bother me, and that's before you get to most fucked up stuff that's really happening ie a complete disregard for history and a massive lack of understanding of how the world or our legislative systems work, 'ALTERNATIVE FACTS,' labeling anything he doesn't agree with as 'fake news,' the healthcare debacle, the allegations of corruption with Russia and the incessant lying about EVERYTHING. Basically everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie, either intentionally or unintentionally. Can't tell what's worse, our president purposefully lying about everything, or just being an ignorant fuckhead talking out of his ass and trying to get away with it:
I'm gonna get shit from trump fans for posting the NYTimes because somehow one of the most reputable journalistic enterprises in the world is now "fake news" and "socialist propaganda" (thanks Fox News).
TL;DR He's super corrupt, wants to destroy environmental regulation and public education, lies about everything, uses Fox and Friends and grocery store tabloids as his state run propaganda and is doing major damage to this country in more ways than I can include in this already too long post.