Charlie_KellyFuck, I'm starting to agree with you (at least on this issue). Though I don't believe Muslims are as sub-human as you paint them, I do believe they aren't bringing much to America to better society. And I honestly support this temporary "ban" (which it is not, atleast on Muslims) especially considering Obama and his cabinet are the ones that selected these countries. I really wish Muslims as a whole would take more responsibility and try to more drastically oppose those extremists in there religion.
And I'm starting to feel very poorly about the mean-spirited things I've said to you. You can probably tell I take being insulted very badly.
To be perfectly honest, I agree with many principles of the left-wing platform. For example, I do believe in a certain level of universal health-care to all citizens and legal residents.
However, I just cannot, in absolute terms, accept certain positions that have largely become mainstream on the left-wing spectrum. The main one for me is defense of Islam, and false equivalences to Christianity (or any other religion). I don't believe all Muslims are inherently evil (far from it), but I do believe the Islam is an ideology that can lead them to evil much more readily than any other religion by far. The situation around the globe bears testament to this.
At 17, I was in a position where I could have easily been killed or severely wounded in an Islamic terrorist attack. These attacks were conducted by "British" muslims, people who should have assimilated, and been hugely grateful for the fantastic opportunities offered to them by the British public. Instead, much of the British muslim society lives in a parallel society that is increasingly insulated and fundamentalist. Even Pew Research shows that subsequent generations of Muslims are more Islamic, and more hostile, than their parents.
This situation is diametrically opposed to just every other immigration experience in the West. Indians and East Asians assimilate particularly well, and often achieve high levels of success in Western Society. Immigrants have a duty to assimilate, if they do not do so, they are not immigrants, they are colonists. Muslims, more than any other group, do not assimilate effectively, and seek to impose their will on the native population. This is indicative of a colonial power (in the loose definition of the word) asserting control over the native population. In a sense, a new form of reverse-colonialism. The tragic part is that many on the left-wing spectrum believe that they "deserve" this reverse-colonialism for the perceived wrongdoings of their ancestors.
Muslim imams and other religious leaders have been on record encouraging muslims to take Western welfare, as it is a form of "Jizya" that the infidel dhimmi must pay to them.
Having studied the belief system (and especially the Sharia law) system on which Islam is based, I've increasingly come to the conclusion that Islam creates significant cultural and societal deficiencies . Winston Churchill himself, the man one the front line against fascism and nazism, described it as the "most retrograde force in the world". In terms of scope and impact, it's hard to disagree with that.
Furthermore, as Churchill argued, it is a force that imposes a direct form of slavery upon women (to varying degrees depending on location) as well as underage girls. We still see this around the globe, and it is very alarming. What is most alarming is the new usage of garments like the hijab and the niqab, as symbols of Islamic supremacy in the West.
Unless Islam can reform itself (and be largely cast off), by a new generation of muslims in the mold of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, then there is no hope for it to ever be compatible with Western society. Nothing I've seen makes me optimistic about this. Unfortunately, Islamic fundamentalists have found ready allies in misguided cultural relativists.