californiagrownI wonder why the folks who voted for Trump aren't upset about all his back tracking and reneging on so many of his campaign promises?
Was no one actually taking what he said and promised seriously? Or have people just 100% stopped paying attention now that tge election is over?
I think the reasons fall into four camps:
1. Anyone But Hillary-> They don't care about his policies, they just hated her. Him reneging and back tracking doesn't change it.
2. Hard Core GOPers->Similar to Anyone But Hillary voters. He is their party's candidate, they are behind him.
3. They Just Don't Care->So many people didn't care about what he said, they just saw him as something new and unpredictable.
4. They Didn't Take Him Seriously->Similar to #3, they didn't take him at face value with his promises, so they are waiting to see what happens.
You may get a few people who are upset about him bringing on numerous Wallstreeters, Lobbyists, and Campaign Donors (Drain the Swamp am I right? /s), but the majority just don't care for 1 or more of those reasons.
I think those who fall into group #4 are the most likely to get upset in the end for they may have not taken him seriously on all his promises, but some like the Wall, restrictions on visitors/refugees/immigrants from countries with terrorist threats, repealing and removing Obamacare , or bringing back manufacturing jobs (still never happening) are going to be disappointed because almost all of these things are not going to happen in their entirety or at the levels he promised.
Those in group #3 may be upset when they see his staff and some of his plans, but they will fall back upon his unpredictability to comfort themselves.
Time will tell.