californiagrownSounded like you were saying he was doing illegal things in regards to his taxes. My bad, for misinterpreting. I too really want him to release his taxes just so he can put this shit to bed.
Do you think the infrastructure in america needs more funding to fix it? As a civil engineer, i can tell you for a fact it does, but the facts dont always jive with peoples opinions so youll have to answer that. If you think that any government funding should be increased yet you take your deductions (like any normal person), you are just as large of a hypocrite as Trump would be according to your logic.
Its a very normal thing to increase your wealth by taking tax deductions. That should not disqualify you from being able to speak about how things in the government are underfunded.
High conspiracy: Do you think this situation is kind of similar to Trump creating the birther issue? He was trying to pressure obama to release his birth certificate by saying he wasnt born in america (something that other presidents had provided). There was a whole lot of weird "evidence" that pointed to him actually not being born here. Similarly, there is a whole lot of "evidence" that points to Trumps tax fraud, and Hillary is calling out Trump for not releasing his taxes. Maybe, Obama didnt release his birth certificate immediately for the same reason Trump isnt releasing his tax reccords...
No, not illegal, just unethical and hypocritical in my opinion. Similar to what Mylan has done with the EpiPen.
Honestly, I do think it does but I think there are other programs that can be scaled back to help this funding as deductions are, and always will be, part of the American tax code. I just have a problem that a self-declared billionaire pays 0 in taxes, and possibly has for the better part of two decades.
It depends on the context. If you want to compare the two by judging the basis on which they were elevated to their state in the election, yes. Both were founded on the idea that the two candidates were out of touch with their targeted electoral base because they could not relate due to their history/background. People said Obama was not a true American, therefore he could not relate to the American people while people say Trump is a billionaire and out of touch with most of America.
But if you want to compare them on the underlying messages, they are very different. If Obama was white, the birther issue would be a non-issue. But because of his skin color and heritage people immediately began jumping to conclusions about his true origins and religion with a racial and bigoted undertone. I do not recall the evidence that supported this claim nor his response so it is difficult for me to compare them to Trump's.
However, Trump's issues are not rooted in his race nor are they rooted in his religion, and they do not have a racial undertone. Trump has not helped his situation however, but rather exacerbated it by continually lying about his financial dealings, talking about donations that seemingly have zero paper trail*, how being under audit prevents him from releasing them, and how they "do not matter", despite him having business in foreign countries including Russia, China, and other countries.
It is his lying that is the biggest problem here. It screams red flag to me that someone of his apparent financial standing is unable to release any sort of tax records. For me, knowing about Trump's financial dealings is important because I want to know the type of relationships he and his companies have established with foreign countries and governments.
I know it shouldn't really matter since deductions are part of taxes, but it speaks volumes to me that a man can lose over a billion dollars (adjusted for inflation) in 1995 during one of the more recent economic booms.
*Farhentold has done an incredible job looking into these and his foundation. Guy hopefully will win a Pulitzer for it. Some of the best investigative political journalism I have seen in a long time.