Huck_NorrisOh Rusty. So angry. So entitled. Wouldn't you just love to crush those stupid, lazy piece of shit low level workers into dirt just like they obviously deserve? You're so much better than they are, how dare they want a living wage! Lol
I think $15 may be a bit high but we have GOT to have the minimum wage indexed to inflation (and by comparison all other wages need to be higher) or we will just have more and more full time workers living below the poverty line. All that does is require the fucking govt to subsidize the remainder of that shit wage with things like Sec. 8, food stamps etc... If we simply make companies pay a living wage (which they CAN afford or they shouldn't be in business) our system can stop footing the rest of the bill plain and simple. Failing to do so creates a massive strain on the system that is NOT necessary in any way. Not one bit. Fucking Walmart made $127 BILLION in gross profits in 2014... You're fucking telling me they can't afford to pay a living wage?? Your arguments are based COMPLETELY in what you think they deserve, not any kind of fiscal reasoning behind it whatsoever- at least not in reality anyways.
The assumptions you've put out there are stereotypes and pretty fucking pathetic ones at that. Why don't you just talk about someone on food stamps buying lobster or rims or some other stupid shit while you're at it? Project a little harder why don't you?! You are the most well known druggie on this whole site and that's a fucking accomplishment- but don't act like you know what the fuck you're talking about when it comes to fiscal policy dude- no fucking way. If I want that good Molly, trust me- I'll call you. Pipe the fuck down until then bro. Know your fucking role.
See dude? Sucks when people assume shit about you that is fucked and callous doesn't it? You could be cast as an undeserving piece of shit just as easily as Mr. Drive-Thru, but that's not fucking cool and it isn't about what some rando thinks you deserve. Everybody deserves to be fairly compensated for a 40 hour work week and ESPECIALLY when you work for a tax-dodging international conglomerate that banks on slave labor and never ever plans on offering more than the bare minimum required by law and even profits by pigeonholing their workers in the subsidy cycle.
See the angle I'm coming from dude? Someone earning 7.50/hr only makes around $16k/year BEFORE TAXES. That's 'fuck you' money and it doesn't add up. At all. It's costing this country as a whole a shitload of money when yes- the companies paying min wage can ABSOLUTELY afford it. If you're going to try to debate that point you better bring some actual factual info to the table to back it up or your butthole gonna get aired the fuck out.
I love when people tell me I'm angry.
It's not like I work minimum wage jobs ever or anything. But yeah I'm just some rich kid on his high horse.
Oh here we go again, Mcdonalds and Walmart leading the discussion.
Why should these companies be singled out to subsidize their employees living situation. Now we're talking about, these people have money, therefore they should give it to those people. Mmmmkay.
3:Wow, you really reached for the stars in this paragraph. I'm just going to go ahead and ignore that.
4:Here we go again. Down with the evil corporations right?
5: calls me angry then drops legitimate anger bombs on the webs.
Not even going to bother to respond to most of this. As far as the minimum wage though. When you get your $15 across the board, what do you do in 15 20 years when that's not enough, with the same fight? Raise the minimum wage more? Because you sure haven't fixed anything. Inflation will keep going up and we'll ignore that, and we'll keep bitching about corporations murdering the country etc.
It's funny that someone who spends far too much time doing drugs to know anything about economics did pretty well because of a recession the "experts" were saying wouldn't happen.
Our economy is pretty beat, but this goes far beyond the general "errmahgerrd the corporations bro" that seems to be the most popular thing.