Spagett+If you don't think that you gain an advantage by being white in the US then you are dreaming. Sure a documentary on MTV isn't a good way to address the stigmas of race in the US but to completely ignore the problem makes you part of it.
Also the affirmative action white kid bitching is so played out. Maybe instead of only focusing on a minor issue that disproportionally disadvantages you, look at the major problems that the people who are advantaged by affirmative action face, like say poverty and racism.
Equating poverty with race isn't the right thing to do. Being black does not make you poor. Being born into a poor family does.
It's equally possible that I get a job because I'm white, or don't get a job because I'm white. It depends who's reading the resume and interviewing. It shouldn't, but it does. Disproportionate or not, that doesn't mean it doesn't matter. If I don't get hired for a job solely because a black guy applied and got it for the sake of affirmative action then that's not right. It affects me and it matters. If I ended up unemployed and poor because of that situation, nobody would say it's because I'm white. They'd say I didn't try. But if that happened to a black guy then the immediate response is it's because of his race. But last I checked, discriminating based on race is racism. I'm going to guess more blacks are denied a job for their race than whites. That doesn't make denying a white person anything because they're white right though.
People act as if I, or some unspecified generation of whites did this. As I said, I don't care if you're a green and black interracial mermaid. There are racists out there. I'm not one of them. I want real equal treatment for all races in which nobody has an advantage over anybody else.
S.J.WThose instutions came about due to racial segregration. Blacks were often discriminated against from these groups so they formed their own. Instead of bitching that you don't have your own orginsiation for white people. Maybe think why you don't have one? Because you didn't need one.
I don't care that I don't have one nor am I looking for one, and you missed my point entirely.
The continued existence of groups with race right in the title, who's major requirement for admission is to be of a certain race, isn't helping the cause. It's 2015, not 1815. You want all races to be equal? Merge the black society for whoever with the other, non race affiliated and otherwise identical society that likely exists. I highly doubt anybody would be seriously opposed to that and if they are then they're legitimately racist. I don't need a white society for chemists, as you said. There's the ACS, who accepts all races. When people making such a big deal of race in all areas equality will be achieved.
FBGMWhen they ask for race and gender it's for statistical purposes, and you can opt out of specifying. I usually do.
Forgot about that.