Replying to why should we donate our hard earned money to tsunami victims?
Every time I turn on the TV I see all this shit about helping victims of the tsunami 'crisis.' Fundraisers, telethons, government support, and celebrities either out of the goodness of their heart of for PR are donating large sums of cash. Why should we give our money to these victims. It's not like we asked for them to be hit by a giant wave. I know they didn't ask for it either, but these same people didn't ask to be dying of hunger, disease and poverty before they were hit by a wave and we didn't hit them then. Why should we help them now.
My point isn't that we shouldn't help them, it's that there's an AIDS crisis in Africa, and a poverty crisis all over the world. This has been for decades, and yet we've never had this kind of determination to help the less fortunate before. Why is this any different? Why couldn't Micheal Schumaker donate $10 Million to diseased, uneducated, hungry orphans in Indonesia a month ago? Why do we all care now?
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'It’s a wonder I haven’t abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.' - Anne Frank
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