Alright here's the deal. I already put these on gear trade and i'm definitely not trying to make the same thing on NS. So I'll post the pictures with the gear trade link underneath. Also the prices are Obo for NS.
First up we have a Pair of Tecnica Cochise 110 24.5
Next Up: Salomon SPK 75 24.5
Now For the skis: Starting with K2 Obsethed 179 with STH 12 mounted for 28.5
Next Up: Amplid Antidogmas 172 mounted once doesn't include bindings.
And Finally my pride and joy: Moment Ghost Chant 189 with Pivot 18's Mounted to 24.5 dead center.
This is it for now I have more along the lines of soft goods and random stuff ill put on later.
Oh and Trades are accepted.
For some spooky listening: