jensenAll plans are different. Two of the plans that my work offers are:
-$1000 deductible, then 80% coverage after that
-$5000 deductible, then 100% coverage after that
I opted for the $5000 because I haven't been to the doctor for anything minor (cold, small injuries, etc) in probably 10 years. When I do end up with medical bills it is probably because I really messed myself up and the costs to those injuries add up real quick. In the worst case scenario the most I'll ever be out is $5000. Also, the premiums on the $5000 deductible are about a third of the $1000 deductible.
Pretty much every plan gives you free preventive care.
Holy shit, that is wild. I had absolutely no idea.
I'm surprised anyone american ever tries to be a pro skier TBH.
I mean I remember back in the day when I was giving a shot at the big leagues, if I fucked myself up bad I'd just roll over to the hospital to make sure everything was all good. I was broke as fuck, barely able to afford food at the time - living at my parents place and working part-time as a ski instructor. I had shit, but I had a dream of being a pro.
Mellow bails I didn't give a shit, but when I really racked myself and couldn't walk I'd just rip over to the hospital for a quick check. I mean sure the wait times are atrocious, but hey - worried I broke my back/neck and whatever... X-rays and cat scans out the wazoo.
That is wild man. I mean whatever your country believes in is all good, but holy shit I can't imagine doing a dangerous sport when you can't just roll into the hospital and be all "fix me up boys, I just did something stupid.". Mad respect for those that slay it with nothing more than $5k and yolo in between them and healthcare.