casey_copeI've been doing some nose butter 7s lately and I decided I want to do nose butter corks. How do I do them? What is your best advice? +K for helpful answers
Off a jump, it's probably easier to do a nosebutter corked, than uncorked to be honest. The key for me is actually nosebuttering properly, by flexing the ski and holding it rather than doing that slightly popped revert a lot of people do. If you do actually nosebutter properly then as you leave the lip of the jump you'll already be corked (see 0.11 in the video). From that point on you just continue the natural motion and it will bring you round somewhere between 5 and 7 depending on how hard you set the spin vs the cork. After a few goes landing either sideways or backseat, you'll find the right balance between the two.
Watch this edit a few times, first trick and last trick are really good examples.