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LonelyXbox 360 hype?
liamrashotteWhat's your gamertag?
xX*TACO-DOG*Xxseriously wish they went further with the campaign on this game. it started out SOOO good then it just dropped off into a big pile of shit.
LonelyGood thing they've been fairly creative with house of wolves. Taken king will be sweet
xX*TACO-DOG*Xxi heard that the dlc's were outrageously priced though?
LonelyOh no they are..but the two dlc combined has more content than game more or less. Taken king will be a new game more or less.
xX*TACO-DOG*Xxahh ok. I'm gonna restart the campaign and start playing again (on ps3). once i'm done, i may have to invest in a dlc to keep me going
LonelyYeah house of wolves is pretty neet. Added new game modes. In taken king there's a griffball type game and a more where your super is always charged
xX*TACO-DOG*Xxohhhh man that sounds epic.
LonelyXbox 360 hype?