CampeadorNice use of ambiguity to speak but say absolutely nothing. Your personal ideals are based on Marxism, as are all efforts at "equitable redistribution". That is not common sense, that is a recipe for economic suicide.
Science and patterns? How's this for a pattern, the pattern of failure of all socialist and centrally-controlled economies. Clearly you do not understand "patterns" and instead base what you believe on personal ideals based on emotion. And since when is politics a "science"? That is, outside the scope of a useless undergrad major. All left-wing politics are based on either hypocrisy, envy, or both.
Go waste your weekly allowance donating $40 to Bernie Sanders' campaign.
Yeah not sure where you saw the "equitable redistribution" stance, but hey, observation isn't any republicans strong point. I support complete and total redistribution of any registered Republican party member's wealth, followed by a mass relocation of their heads from their necks. Really not that equal or fair, objectively, but certainly entertaining.
Or talking head gladiator fights. Glenn Beck vs Orielly. Hannity vs That Annoying British Guy Who Thinks He's American. I'd watch Fox to see that.
Back to the main point, how you are a complete and total idiot. Which is probably how you find yourself a simpleton republican.
What socialist economies have failed? Socialism, at its core, supports private and public enterprise working together, and even at times competing, to provide the best possible living experience to the residents. Greece and Spain are not examples of socialism, I would say they almost reached communism. What Ayn Rand writes about isn't socialism.
If our economy is allowed to fail, we will either be in a total world war or undergoing Armageddon, in which case pretty much every economy fails.
And politics can be considered a science, but really its a science by proxy of statistics. Which is a clear, understood and proven science. With the addition of meta-anylytics, politics solidifies itself as a study-able, researchable, and test ready field of science.
My allowance comes every 2 weeks from working 75 hours. On top of being a part time student. God I'm a lazy liberal, sucking at the teat of...myself, I guess.
But where I differ myself from you and about 95% percent of republicans is my ability to ask questions, pay attention to my surroundings, and remain humble. I can admit my weaknesses and strengths as an individual, and I can use that knowledge to make much more informed and accurate descions. I understand where I can fail to be objective and I can seek out opinions or advice of those that are suited to remain objective. I don't trust any politician, but I trust the science behind my opinions, and I trust that those opinions will help me make the smartest decisions.
I have VERY right and left wing opinions on many many issues. When its time to vote, I ignore all of those. All opinions are flawed to some degree, because they are all based on such a limited scope of reality, the only valid decision making tool is science. Provable, repeatable, testable, observable, predictable science and math. Controversial political descion? Look at the science on both sides of the argument, decide which side based the most of their argument off of accurate, documented science, and pick that side. Fuck the other one. In every situation, this works. No tradition, no feelings, no religion, no personal ambition. Just science.
And guess which party ends up having almost every one of those decisions go their way?
Not yours fucktard. It must blow being stupid, I'm glad I don't have to suffer through life with a slowed down brain like your own.