So NS, its been a while since I made a thread.
As I approach the end of my junior year in high school, I realize that I'm going to have to start making choices that actually have a major impact on my life in the future. However, I have very little idea what I want to do. I think I did well enough on my ACT and grades and stuff to get into a good average university, and part of me wants to do that, start on a solid career (probably engineering related), and hopefully do well enough for myself that I can ski and mountain bike and do all the other things I enjoy doing on the weekends. Maybe spend a few years out of college working a seasonal job and bumming all winter. For a long time though, one of my long-time goals has been to work for a company like SpaceX or similar that is really doing something to make a big difference in our society and for the human race. This will require a ton more work. I would have to work harder now to get into a better engineering school, work hard there, and then work 90+ hour work weeks, which is the norm at SpaceX. I don't know if I could give up all of the things I love doing, but at the same time I actually want to do something lasting. Anyways, I would love to hear some opinions on what to do. Thanks guys