Replying to TIFU thread
I believe Newschoolers needs a Today I Fucked Up(TIFU) thread, because I am sure NS'ers fuck up alot. Stories can be from today or from anytime in the past. Start your post by saying TIFU...
Heres mine.. TIFU by going snowboarding... it was about 2 years ago when i was on a semester abroad program in France and it was nearing end of October and Les Deuxs Alpes was getting ready to open its glacier skiing for the beginning turns. I was scheduled to leave back for Michigan the next day but the stoke was real and I decided I needed to head up to the mountains to get some turns in with my buddies. We head up there and some how my friends convince me to rent a snowboard. I took only one run before I knew it I was fell flat on my ass and ended up shattering my tail bone. I was airlifted out by the ski patrol and was hit by a wopping check of an amount of money that i sure didn't have( couple thousand euros). I then missed my flight out back home, I rescheduale a flight for the next week yet only to get stuck in the Lyon airport in france for 4 days because all the french workers were on strike. I eventually got home, but only late enough to miss my sisters wedding.... just becuase i rode snowboard.
TL;dr dont fucking snowboard and get help from french ski patrolers = expensive bill
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