This is extremely frustrating. I've tried exporting this video 10+ with no improvement.
I used the same export settings i have used for all of my gh4 and gh2 videos and i still get skipping in certain parts of my video.
It's not the shutterspeed of the shots, all gh2 shots are 60+, gh4 are 125+
I have tried replacing the skipping clips in the timeline and it just changes the skipping clip. So a clip the was skipping before no plays fine and another random clip skips.
enough talk about skipping clips though
Password: skip
Skips happen at :44, 3:32, 3:36, 3:51 for the very first part of the clip?, 5:00, 5:06 for the fist bit of the clip again, 5:15, 6:15 but it doesn't skip until the fists make contact.
Has anyone experienced something similar?
Iv'e been looking around on forums but nothing useful yet
still don't know how to embed videos so sorry about that