all of the following is in referance to the movie that LineRider48 posted a link to
LineRider48, fuck that fucking peice of shit waste of time video. if that opened your eyes, then your a dumb retarded person. honestly, that didnt say shit. You are a stupid fuck, if you havnt seen footage of 911 by now. How can that open your eyes, i jsut dont get it. it is the same old shit our shitty goverment and the 4th devision of it (the media) have been showing us for quite a while now. I bet Bush masterbates to that video, and i bet you do to.
here is the message i got from that shitty video (LineRider48's one...)
A) terrorists attacked us on 9/11/01: already fucking knew, ya im sorry for all the people that died but each time i see that footage, it makes me hate my country even more jsut becasue how annoying this shit is.
2) Bush retailiated by attacking Afganistan. cant really complain about this one, not saying that i know it was %100 the right choice, but no one, not the president or anyone can.
C) Bush made speaches about how we should be united, bullshit bullshit bullshit, why the fuck does it matter if we are united, you (Bush, that is) make the desicisions and you controll the army, what the fuck could i possibly do about it, wether i was 'united' or not. come to think about it, what does united even fucking mean? we need to all want to kill Muslims? That is basically what it means, but y do we need to be united? The army is gonna bomb the shit outta them wether i want them to or not, so what the fuck?
4) Footage of war in Iraq. Well where can i start here. There is no proofe that Saddam had ties to spt 11. infact there is evidance that Saddam and Bin Ladin, didnt like eachother. Footage of us bombing the shit outta them. do you know what is going on that you can really see, behind those explositions? PEOPLE ARE FUCKING DIEING. ya some of them are guilty, but also some are not guilty. and you know what happenes to the families of the non guilty ones once they find out that the US army killed their relitive, well, ill give you a hint, it probably doesnt make the family think very highly of the US.
fucken hell, that was honestly the biggest peice of fucking shit movie i have even seen. i keept wating for the important, mind changing information, and it was never there. all old stuff, a great display of propoganda, i must say.
Joe is out of school didnt fucking ask for much Couldnt get a job the marines his last hope Down at the frontline with a gun not a toy Kill many men not asking what for Joe's family the comrades next to him Die one by one his luck is running out Joe wrote back home his parents unemployed The rich is fuckin laughing profits from the war Joe is off to die for another senseless war No arms no legs his mother cries at home Joey wears the flag so proud to fight for us And for a government that doesnt give a fuck