I was recently thinking about friends I used to have, music I used to listen to and the emotions associated with differant events in my life. It seems to me that around middle school when I didn't know much about the world was when I had the most fun discovering new things, especially skiing, and had a lot of good memories.
I guess what I'm wanting to get to is that I had a ton of fun as a noob in the skiing world and other areas of life, and have a lot of good memmories associated with that. When it was a big deal to 50/50 a box or land a 360, that was the best time in my life because the higher levels of skiing seemed amazing and unnatanable.
By the title of this thread I dont simply mean those good speciffic times in ones life, but those feelings that seem to have gone away like the sheer amazement at things in the world that dosent seem to exist anymore.
Has anyone else on NS experianced nostalgia not for things but for emotions? A longing for the outlook you once had? Not that the one you have now is bad, but it's just differant? Has anyone missed missed their noobishness when the world seemed so big?