Thinking about starting some Photoshop wars in Media and Arts to maybe bring some life back to that portion of NS, and just in time for summer. Just wondering if I start the ball rolling on this how many people would be interested. We used to have a more active graphic designers cult where we use to do photoshop wars.
(for anyone who has never heard of what a photoshop war was)
The rules were that the winner chose the photo for the contest, and anyone can only make one entry for the contest. Users would take the photo chosen and manipulate it in the way they see fit, and whichever photo was chosen by the person who chose the photo for the contest would win. I think we could change it to most up votes wins though, to keep things fair.
So, what do you guys think?
(I know this should have probably been thrown in the media and arts section, but I feel it would get the most traffic in NSG so we can have the maximum amount of participants)