1 Payapal only
2 prices include shipping within 48 states
3 prices negotiable
4 will listen to trade offers
So here we go:

First are these XL Aperture pants. Pretty beat up, probably a 6/10 but definitely still plenty of life in em, as long as you are careful with the cuffs (pretty torn). Other than that super baggy and comfy pants, they dont come with the saga belt. $40 SOLD

Next up these XL burton pants. Ive only worn them once, bought them used off here and decided I wasnt with the blue. Pretty baggy, and light pants. 9/10 cuffs have a few marks, no tears. $30

Here we have a XXL Jiberish liquid swords.In good shape for its age, but shows its age in spots. (Slight wave in zipper, minor stains, nothing major). I personally love this thing, but will let it go for the right price. 7/10 $50

XXL Jiberish Macho Grey. 7.5/10 with a couple minor stains, and slight wave in zipper. Has been worn quite a bit since I bought it new a few years ago. $25

Next is this beautiful XXL saga trippy hoody. Super warm, comfortable material. Has been worn on the hill a decent amount, but is still in 9/10 condition with only minor pilling. Tall yet fits great. $40

XXL camo saga triple stack. Believe this is like 1/50 made. Minor pilling, still in great 8.5/10 condition. SOLD

3XL the Mountain tall tee with horses. thing is huge and super thug. Worn once 9/10. $10

Lime green scott goggles. light lenses. 8.5/10, had them for a few years but only worn occasionally. comes with brand new oakley bag. $15

Black armada baclava. 9/10. $7 SOLD

Saga baclava. 10/10. $7

will sell cheaper for package deals! Trades welcome as well for XL-XXL Jib tees or light crowbar lenses
**This thread was edited on May 5th 2015 at 3:11:24pm
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**This thread was edited on Aug 18th 2015 at 10:59:39pm