I have 2 that tie. (1.) I was 11 my mountain had a 45-50 ft jump, i was little so i had to tuck for quite a bit to clear it. It was a spring day after school with that weird kind of snow thats sometimes, fast sometimes slow. SO i tucked in knew something was wrong thought i was gonna knuckle so stayed tucked popped as hard as i could and took it to about 75-80 at flat and broke both my ankles.
(2.) This was recently closing weekend really nice 40ish ft jump. I was throwing sevens off of it which i was beggining to like them off a big jump versus a small one. I go to throw one and at about 270 my ski come off mid air... at first it didnt really click as bad to me i was just thinking get it to 7 and land/washout tom walnuts style. then i relized its really hard o spin with one ski took it really deep and landed at 630 instantly lost 2cnd ski and whipped my shoulder/ head into ground... saw stars
P.S have video of run before ankle break taking jump pretty deep